Temporary Hazards are random events in Endless mode. They are enabled or disabled when setting the difficulty of the scenario.
Each hazard will occur as an event followed by a quest that will last for 6 days and autocomplete when its timer expires.
Temporary Hazards are long running events that usually cripple production in some manner. Players can either get through these hazard by relying on stockpile, or switching to alternate production method. These can be debilitating if the player does not switch production method.
The hazard is randomly drawn, among the hazards which has not appeared in the cycle, just before the hazard occur. After each hazard has appeared once, the hazard cycle is over and any hazard can appear for the next hazard cycle. If you have a save point that occurs before the hazard, you can save scum through Temporary Hazards to fish for a more desirable hazard.
There are 13 different types of Temporary Hazards, each with the same probability of occurring.
Generator Congestion[]
A combination of contaminated coal and high airborne ice intake have caused a congestion deep inside the Generator. Until it clears, the Generator will use twice as much Coal than usual. (Only affects Generator, not Steam Hubs or Heaters)
Effect: Extra coal use from The Generator
Brittle Steel[]
Due to fluctuations in wind speed and temperature, a batch of steel has cooled faster than expected. Every new construction will require more steel to attain the desired strength. (Some buildings which normally do not require steel to build, will, if Brittle Steel is in effect)
Effect: More expensive steel requirements for buildings
Steam Cores Seizing[]
The wild weather brought an unexpected effect. Airborne ice crystals penetrated the lubrication systems of all steam cores. The efficiency of all steam core buildings and automatons will be reduced by 90%.
Effect: All steam core buildings (Coal Mines, Wall Drills, Hothouses, Infirmaries) and all Automatons efficiency are reduced by 90%
Frozen Ground[]
The unpredictable weather has caused a temporary setback. Due to temperature fluctuations, the ground froze deeper than usual. Gathering Posts and Coal Thumpers will work at 10% efficiency. (Gathering directly from piles is not affected)
Effect: All Gathering Post and Coal Thumpers Efficiency are reduced by 90%
Clogged Pipes[]
Sir, our steam distribution network has become clogged. We raised the pressure slightly to clear the blockages, but for some time all heat zones will be 20% smaller.
Effect: All heat zones from The Generator and Steam Hubs range zone is reduced to 80% coverage
Strong Winds[]
The weather is trying to do us in again. Owing to large atmospheric pressure gradients, strong winds are predicted. All scout teams and transports will have to travel at half speed. (Does not affect shipments to and from settlements)
Effect: 50% extra time for scout teams to travel to a location
Treacherous Cold[]
Sir, our people are reporting that they’re feeling unwell after only a short stay in low temperatures. Beware of the cold! Everyone can fall ill much more easily. (50% Increase in Sickness)
Effect: 50% higher chance for people to get sick
Animal Migration[]
The worsening weather has caused the game animals to seek shelter in new places. Until the hunters can find a new habitat in which to hunt, they will be bringing in 90% less Raw Food.
Effect: Reduces the Hunter Huts and Hangers efficiency to 10%
Rotting Roots[]
The sudden weather change has overwhelmed the environmental controls of our hothouses. As a result, the roots of the plants have rotted. Until they regrow, the hothouses will work at only 10% efficiency.
Effect: All hothouses efficiency is reduced to 10%
On the Edge Expansion[]
These are new types of Temporary Hazards are implemented with On the Edge Expansion. (Settlements do not have to be activated to trigger these events, so long as you own the expansion and have temporary Hazards on )
Frozen Coal deposits[]
The last storm has caused a serious problem. Due to sudden weather changes, ice has covered all Coal deposits. All Coal-producing facilities will work at 30% efficiency.
Effect: All coal producing buildings (Coal Thumpers, Coal Mines, and Charcoal Kilns) efficiency is reduced by 70%
Food Shortage[]
A spell of bad weather with sudden temperature changes has forced game animals to seek shelter in new places, while at the same time overwhelming the environmental controls of our Hothouses. All Raw Food sources will have reduced outputs. (Hunters and Hothouses will produce 70% less raw food).
Effect: All Hunter and Hothouse building efficiency is reduced to 30%
Bug: Hunters are not affected, full food is gained
Cold Furnaces[]
The last storm covered all the furnaces with a thick layer of ice, causing a dramatic fall in the efficiency of Steel production facilities in the city. All Steelworks will be 70% less efficient. (Does not effect gathering)
Effect: Steelworks building efficiency is reduced to 30%
Fractured Wood[]
Due to rapid temperature changes, some of the trees have cracked. Until our workers sort this out, all Wood-producing facilities will be 70% less efficient. (Does not affect gathering)
Effect: All wood producing buildings (Sawmills and Wall Drills) efficiency is reduced to 30%